Women’s Retreat

Last weekend, I attended a women’s retreat at Sawtelle Mountain Resort. Full of relaxation, connection, and re-energizing. I met some fabulous ladies who I now call my friends. The first day, we had a class on making a charcuterie board, including a board to take home! That night, we went to a class on finding your purpose. Christine Minh-Minh was full of energy and excitement to share her knowledge and guide us to finding our purpose. Do you know what your purpose is? The following day, we enjoyed yoga with a sound bath by Natalie Packer from the Yoga Wellness Connection. What a great way to become in tune with your mind, body, and spirit. After lunch, I taught a class on food and mood, taking a glimpse into how the foods we eat can benefit or impact our mood, along with a mindfulness eating exercise. That night, our last class was led by Alyce Jeppesen from Ahhhsome Relaxation. Alyce provided us with a list of techniques to reduce stress. My favorite technique was laughter yoga! Have you tried it? Check out this TedTalk that gives you a brief introduction to Laughter Yoga. Guess what! They have already set the date for next year’s retreat. Sign up here to stay in the loop!

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